1:00-2:30PM EDT
I have chosen the actual equinox to offer this event, because the entire season IS the season of the great political sea change. This season brings the shift onto higher ground that we have been hoping for, and that some of us have known all along would manifest. Only six or eight weeks ago we didn’t know where or how it would happen, but a powerful Uranian aspect brought the jolt thar was needed to bring the change to life.
The discussion and channeling of the turning tide is the same as focusing on the season ahead. There is no difference, and I will make that crystal clear.
This great shift into higher gear has been a very long time coming, much longer than you may be aware. I will demonstrate and point out how much longer this collective change will take. I won’t leave anything out.
Please join me on Sunday, September 22 at 1pm EDT for my latest webinar. You don’t have to be on the call, but your presence is magical and I would love to have you there. Every bit of conscious power helps. When we gather, amazing things happen!
Exchange: $60
Everyone who registers will automatically receive an MP4 and an Ma4 (audio file) of the event.
If you are a plus member, please be advised you will receive an email for registration. This Webinar is included in your membership. Please just register prior to the event.
And if you are not yet a member, please do subscribe. These webinars are all included in the cost.
If you have questions about registering or subscribing, EMAIL us, and if you have a question you’d like to ask during the webinar, you can use the chat live. And if you can’t attend but have a question. EMAIL it to me, and I will do my best to address it.
I am so looking forward to seeing you there!
With Great Love,
There are no upcoming dates for this event.